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Current Shows 


Check us out on Suddenlink Channel 18!

ASU-TV Rewind

ASU-TV Rewind gives viewers an inside look into our archive footage. This collection of variety and quality content comes straight from the vault. 


Fine Arts at the Fowler

Fine Arts at the Fowler is an art program where we film concerts and other musical talents and broadcast them on Channel 18 and on ASU-TV.


Concerts held at the Fowler Center air on ASU-TV. Unfortunately, we cannot post concerts online because of copyright laws.


Let's Play A-State 

Let's Play A-State contains video game play throughs with Brandon Evans and other guests. 


Name of the Game 

Name of the Game is ASU's new game show! Host Noah Gregory puts challengers to the test in a series of silly games. Watch every Thursday at 3PM to find out who takes all. 


Red Wolf Roundtable

Red Wolf Roundtable is a sports talk show filled with in-depth analysis and debate, covering Arkansas State sports as well as sports across the nation. Every week analysts provide viewers with the latest news in the world of sports, share their takes, and provide their opinions on these matters.

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They miss you too. Check out our Archives page.

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